Hydrant data file format.

The fire hydrant data file format used in the Hydrant application for iPhone and iPad is based on JSON using UTF-8.

App version 1.2.1+


The file contains a dictionary with three fields:

  • version, which specifies the data file format version. As of writing the version number is 21.
  • timestamp, which is a UNIX timestamp denoting the date the data was last updated
  • data, is an array of hydrant data.

Hydrant data

Each row of data contains has the following fields that are all represented by strings:

  • description, that could be a street address or notes relating to the hydrant
  • id, identifier that combined with the owner field must be unique
  • coupling, identifies the hydrant hose coupling
  • owner, the data owner is typically the reverse domain name of the municipality
  • status, optional, can be se to “closed” and marked as such on the map

Yield is specified either as flow or pressure.

  • flow, the flow in liters per minute
  • pressure, the pressure in bar

Position is specified either in UTM or as longitude and latitude.

  • eastings, UTM eastings, WGS-84
  • northings, UTM northings, WGS-84
  • zone, UTM grid zone, such as 32U, 33V, et cetera
  • longitude, geographic longitude
  • latitude, geographic latitude

Example data

          			"description": "Pza. Constitución, junto a buzón Correos",
          			"longitude" : "-4.151384467673177",
          			"latitude" : "37.166298",
          			"id" : "11001",
          			"coupling" : "BCN100DDG",
          			"pressure": "3.0",
          			"owner" : "es.loja.consorciobomberos"
          			"description": "Madrid",
          			"id" : "11001",
          			"coupling" : "BCN100UTM",
          			"flow": "1234",
          			"owner" : "es.loja.consorciobomberos"
            "timestamp": 1400652810,
            "version": "21"

Link to incident

You can mark the current incident location by using a “hydrant://” link. The following could be included in an SMS or web page.

          Alarm 9, Automated Fire Alarm, hydrant://?lat=55.9342&long=12.2996

The URL has two parameters

  • long, geographic longitude
  • lat, geographic latitude

App version <1.2 (Deprecated)

The older version 18 of the data file format is now deprecated and is not supported after 1st of January 2015.


The file contains a dictionary with four fields:

  • version, which specifies the data file format version.
  • timestamp, which is a UNIX timestamp denoting the date the data was last updated
  • fields, contains the lists of fields in the data file as well as the order of the fields
  • data, is the actual hydrant data.

Field contents

Each row of data contains the following fields that are all represented by strings:

  • description, that could be a street address or notes relating to the hydrant
  • eastings, UTM eastings, WGS-84
  • northings, UTM northings, WGS-84
  • zone, UTM grid zone, such as 32U, 33V, et cetera
  • id, identifier that combined with the owner field must be unique
  • coupling, identifies the hydrant hose coupling
  • flow, the flow in liters per minute
  • owner, the data owner is typically the reverse domain name of the municipality

Example data

Here is an example with data for three hydrants:

              "version": "18",
              "timestamp": "1332405065",
              "fields": [
              "data": [
                      "Ud for Slots Arkaderne",
                      "Over for nr. 43",